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THE DEFLOWERING: Young Trades Virginity to Preserve her Nerdy Bf ORIGINAL SCENE TREATMENT( excerpt Scene opens on a dark frame, as we hear Amy( Piper Perri giggle too ask' Adam, what are you doing? Her boyfriend( Robby Echo replies, ' We' re almost atthatplace babe, just hang on a little longer. He easy removes his paw from over her eyes inadditionto, from Amy' s POV, we consider where they are for the firstoff time. It' s their anniversary aswellas the 19- year- old nerdy brace are celebrating at Adam' s novel location. Amy gets her bearings too looks around at the rental for the firstofall time. It' s huge, a mansion way amend than his parent' s basement! Adam proudly boasts that they tincan atpresent do whatever they want without his folks watching inadditionto he has a whole romantic twenty-fourhourperiod planned for their anniversary. Amy is shocked inadditionto confused as to how Adam tincan afford such a location but he brushes it off, saying he got a novel chore too that he' s really getting his life together to backup them inwards the futurity. When Amy asks for a tour, Adam nervously rushes her through the house to acquire to his room. This seems odd, considering how impressive the house is but Amy takes his paw aswellas follows him within his chamber. He nervously looks downwards the hall before shutting the door. The videocamera lingers on the closed door for a minute before slow moving to someother portion of the house, where we view a gang of tough- looking guys weighing aswellas stacking drug pouches into a delivery purse. The twain create out within Adam' s chamber for a few minutes when inthatlocation is a loud bang on his door. i of the men from downwards the hall demand he bringtogether them inward the living room. Adam clamps his mitt over Amy' s oralcavity togetherwith makes upwardly a inexpensive excuse but they telephonecall him a hussy togetherwith tell him to comeup downstairs atpresent. Before she tincan say anything, Adam tells her it' s just his novel roommates playing a joke on him togetherwith tells her to be quiet aswellas holdback inward his room. She sits on the bed confused before deciding to go investigate. When she creeps

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